Why do I need a website?
Everyone else has one and so should you. It sounds childish but it is true. In order to compete in today's business world you need a website to just stay in-line with your competition. Chances are if you don't have a website your competition does.
Your customers expect you to have a website. How many times have you said, "I don't have a website" when a customer asks for your website address? Notice how they don't ask "if" you have a website anymore. Your customers are online and expect you to be online also. The common attitude is you are not a real business without a professional website. Think about the last time you checked a website before you purchased or committed to something.
A website enables your customers to find out what is new with your business at any time of the day, freeing you from answering repetitive, time-wasting phone calls.
Customers can find more information about your business and contact you any time of the day, even while you are sleeping. Your website sells your business 24/7.
A website will broaden your market beyond your local hometown, city, county, state, even country. You are now world wide without the expense of new locations. It is very important for those in the travel and tourism industry to market outside their regional area and to have a 360° virtual tour of their property for distant target audiences to see. A website will also enable you to sell additional or different products and services than you may have been able to without a website.
You can update your website faster and more cost effectively than a print catalog or brochure. Customers and employees can also access your updated information instantly without waiting for it to come in the mail or by memo. websites also reach many more contacts than other forms of marketing. Your cost per contact can be fractions of a penny. This means huge savings for your business.
Online commerce enables your customers to come to you from all over the world at any time and any day.
Good customer service can make or break a sale. With a website your customers can access better customer support and service at any time they wish, leaving you free to actually run your business. Your customers will return again and again if they can get help with previous sales or questions by accessing your website. This will also give you instant professional status.
When your budget is tight or you are limited by ad space you can include your website address and your customers can access all the information they need.
You simply can't afford not to have a website!